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Here's where to start

Immdiate Access Offerings

Embodiment Basics & Beyond

An online course that gives all of this work to you

  • Learn and grow at your own pace in your own space.  

  • 4 modules filled with videos, audio practices, journal prompts, and practical tools to bring into life.

  • An embodied journey designed to give you a deep foundation that you can build your life from. 


Meeting what is

A digital package holding the essence of my work

  • 15 audio practices to support growing your capacity to meet the ISNESS that is here for you. 


  • Use these to help deepen and develop your own personal practice.



BODY Tools

A FREE 7-day course

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  • Practical, body-based practices that help you move stuck energy, meet emotions with ease, and reconnect to your vitality and power.​

  • Daily 10-minute videos guiding you through a transformative movement practice.

  • PDF's to deepen your understanding and practice with bonus materials to go further.


Soul Salve

A digital package for soul nourishment 

  • 15 audio practice designed to give you deep embodied nourishment that is doable, gentle and awakens your own inner resources and capacity.


  • The more resourced we are the more capacity we have to meet challenges.


Current Live Offerings

Friday Flow

A gentle vinyasa flow class on Friday's

Held every Friday in the Rehearsal Hall at the Shane Center in Livingston.


415 E Lewis 10-11 am

All levels welcome

This is a sweet, nourishing, gentle flow class through which I weave embodiment and somatic themes.

20$ (class packs available) 


Sign up ahead of time and check the schedule for any changes.


The Practice Space

Monthly embodied movement classes to awaken more choice, personal power, and possibility.
(On Zoom)

In these classes, we use movement, breath, and somatic tools to create deeper intimacy with ourselves and Life. We explore different themes through the lens of the body, learning, transforming, growing our practice, capacity, resilience, and trust.


This is a space for you to meet yourself in. Where the body leads and the mind learns. ​


All classes are held via Zoom the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.


​$48 a month


*Members also receive discounts on coaching as well as access to the archives of past workshops and audio practices. 

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Emotional Power

Courageously being human (On Zoom)

A 3-hour embodiment workshop for women where you will learn how to work with your body as a way to liberate stuck energy, grow emotional courage, and expand your capacity to meet challenge. 


Together, you will:

-Learn how to work with emotional energy, as a body. 
-Deepen your ability to meet yourself and hold your experience. 
-Learn how to recognize moments of choice and expand your capacity to make those moves. 
-Gain a clearer understanding of how you get stuck and how to free yourself.


What if you could change your relationship to your emotions? 
What if you had embodied tools for meeting yourself in challenge?
What if you trusted yourself? 

Come find out what's possible. 


Saturday, March 15th 10-1 MT on Zoom
*Class will be recorded if you can't make it live

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